Contoh database sekolah sma
Contoh database sekolah sma

contoh database sekolah sma contoh database sekolah sma contoh database sekolah sma

The conceptual ER model normally defines master reference data entities that are commonly used by the organization. The conceptual data model: This is the highest level ER model in that it contains the least granular detail but establishes the overall scope of what is to be included within the model set.Using the three schema approach to software engineering, there are three levels of ER models that may be developed. Diagrams created to design these entities and relationships are called entity–relationship diagrams or ER diagrams. The ER model would say that you are an entity, and each phone number is an entity, and the relationship between you and the phone numbers is 'has a phone number'.

contoh database sekolah sma

Some of the data in these tables point to data in other tables - for instance, your entry in the database could point to several entries for each of the phone numbers that are yours. Describing a database usually starts with a relational database, which stores data in tables. 2.3 Relationships, roles and cardinalitiesĪn ER model is an abstract way to describe a database.2.1 The building blocks: entities, relationships, and attributes.The system provides information on the distribution of both public and private primary education (SD/MI), secondary education (SMP/MTs), and upper secondary and vocational education (SMA/MA/SMK) in the city in the form of digital maps, containing spatial data and attribute data, and also generates information about indicators of equality on learning opportunity and gross participation rate (APK) in the city of Serang. Geographic information system of school mapping in Serang was developed using the waterfall model and built using MapServer, PHP programming language, and MySQL database management system. There has not been any spatial-based information about schools in the city of Serang yet, so it is necessary to have a geographic information system of school mapping. Providing information regarding education, especially schools, to the people is of major importance to enhance Serang education office activity in providing service. Serang as the capital of Banten province indubitably becomes a model reference for other districts and cities in the development of education. The Spatial-based information system is one of the systems that is needed nowadays, because it serves as a foundation in supporting variety of applications in various sectors, one of which is education.

Contoh database sekolah sma